


God has given me a few seasonal words over the last 6 years of my life. The only way I can describe how they differ from other words God has given me is that the words are simple, but come with a weight. In my mind’s eye they are solid, made of stone, bold, and unshakeable. In May of 2022 God gave me the word, “Go.” I was 2 1/2 years into working at my family’s church, EPIC House, in Sherwood, leading in ministry, wearing many hats. I was passionate about this ministry, passionate about the community I was in so when I heard God speak I didn’t quite know what it meant at first.

“Go? Go where?”

A friend and mentor suggested that to be obedient means “not staying” more than its means finding a destination to “go.” I was reminded when God calls Abraham in Genesis 12, he calls him to a land “he will show” him. Abraham has no idea where he’s headed, yet has to make a decision to trust God and leave behind the land of his father without knowing the destination. So I resigned at my job and stayed involved in community until one Sunday, Christina and I decided to go check out a church down the street from where we lived in Wilsonville because our friend was leading worship. This church was called Grace Chapel.

It was clear. At the end of the service there was time for prayer. God clearly told me, “This is where I need you to be for you to grow, but most importantly, for your wife to grow.” So I said yes. In hindsight, I really wasn’t sure what this season would look like, and I’m glad I didn’t know going into it. I decided for income, I would Instacart for the time being, work on music, and get plugged into this new community God has called us to. What I thought would be a “in between” job of delivering groceries turned into a full-time job for the next two years. I got connected to a random men’s church small group that I thought would just be another typically bible study, but turned into the community that God’s would use to change me, break me, heal me, prepare me and sustain me for the next two years to come.


This season of “Go” has been the most complex and difficult season of my life. It has also been the most fulfilling, transformational, and healing season of my life. This season was described as a hallway season, an in-between season, a wilderness season, a testing season, but most of all a “Breaking.” Like Jesus before his ministry, David between his anointing and inauguration, Joseph between his prophetic dream and it’s fulfillment, God lead me into the wilderness, into the hidden place, into a season where I would finally be unable to evade and ignore the brokenness and burdens in my heart. God got me into position where he could truly break me.




The Preface